Campfango Today

Campfango Today provides a summary view of upcoming trips, maintenance items, resupply, app information and more. Today is designed to keep the important things at your fingertips and as a means for us to communicate with our users.

Trip Planner

The trip planner pulls together the critical information you need about your reservations or planned park stops, including hookup types and WiFi, so you have it at your fingertips. You can pull the relevant checklists for each trip phase, the packing lists that apply to your trip and activities, and manage a shopping list. When it is time to leave, you can launch right into navigation with Apple Maps.

Maintenance Tracker

Our maintenance tracker is meant to stay out of your way...this is a big theme for us. When you see something that needs doing, you do not need to fill in a form to capture it. Just put in a note about it for yourself. We find this approach greatly improved the actual maintenace of our rig because we were more likely to actually note them down. Campfango Today keeps maintenance items in front of our face as we trip plan, and that helps us plan and do things right.

Resupply Tracker

Sticking with our goal of simplicity, resupply helps you keep up with the things you need to put back into your RV before your next trip. Fast and easy to use, like the maintenance tracker, this has really improved our trip prep and truly extended our vacation time. Because it is easy to add when we notice something almost empty, we keep better track. The evening before trips is relaxing instead of spending our time worrying if we remembered everything.


Camper's checklists are a game changer. It lets you create concise, topic-specific lists and then include whichever lists make sense for the type of location you are going. We create checklists for full hookups and electric-only, the variations we frequent. No more backing in the trailer and then remembering we didn't fill the water!

Packing Lists

Camper's packing lists greatly speed up packing the RV and increase the reliability. We find that our well-tuned packing lists have turned the night before the trip into relaxation instead of stressing about what we forgot. We created very specific packing lists, like gadgets, fly fishing, and other specific lists. We have tuned them over a few trips, and now we carry only what we need, and never leave something behind!